Grace Drayton

Grace Drayton (October 14, 1877 – 1936) was an illustrator who created popular period comics Dolly Dimples and The Pussycat Princess. She created the "Campbell Soup Kids" advertising campaign [1] and is probably best known for her popular Dolly Dingle paper dolls in the women's magazine Pictorial Review.

Christened Viola Grace Gebbie, in 1900 she married Theodore Wiederseim and started signing her work "Grace Wiederseim." In 1911, Grace divorced Wiedersheim and married W. Drayton, and started signing her work Grace Drayton. She divorced Drayton in 1923 but continued to sign her work "Grace Drayton" or "G G Drayton."[2]

She was an early member of Philadelphia's Plastic Club. [3]

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